Equipment for visual inspection

Equipment for visual inspection


  • Category Equipment for visual inspection

Technologically advanced, integrated sets for visual inspection, various diameter beginning from 3,9mm, length of maximum 20m; with probe end articulation and exchangeable objectives, which widen the scope of inspection types. The videoscopes can be equipped with processors allowing for saving and treatment of pictures.

With measurement videoscopes one can measure and assess the found defects.

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  • Category Equipment for visual inspection

Fiberscopes - flexible endoscopes with necessary accessories. Wide range of probes and sources of light.

We also offer micro-fiberscopes - probe diameter 0,7mm and more.

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  • Category Equipment for visual inspection

Borescopes - completely equipped rigid endoscopes (light sources, light guides, adapters); various diameters and lengths.

Swing prism borescopes - field of view 140deg

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